Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the LORD.
Haggai 1:8

We want to be a going church, not a church on the go. we want to go where the people are so they can go where we are going. we want to GATHER TO SCATTER so we can gather again.
We want to build SOLID RELATIONSHIPS as we seek to build each believer into a HOUSE OF WORSHIP that will reach the world. We want to build each believer into a DISCIPLE MAKING FACTORY that will seek to build LOCAL CHURCHES.
We want to bring people to MEET Jesus through salvation. We want to bring people to KNOW Jesus through his word, his spirit, and his people. We want to bring people to SERVE Jesus through their spiritual gifting.
We want God to be GLORIFIED in our going, bringing, and in our building. We want God to be GLORIFIED as we seek to finish the work that has given us to do. We want God to be GLORIFIED and not ourselves.